Training day in Elchingen

Rain shower weather during the training day of the Grand Prix.

Sports manager Bernd Schmid had to postpone the start of the gliders several times due to the weather conditions. Nevertheless, from 13:38 the 15m class aircrafts could start. As a training task they had a triangle from Elchingen to Hayingen, from there to Kaisheim and back to Elchingen. The double seaters had to fly a shorter track. From Elchingen to Schelklingen, from there to Harburg and back to Elchingen. All pilots and crews used the day. And the organization team of the Luftsportring was able to rehearse their processes and procedures. In the evening the official opening briefing took place.

We look forward to the first rating day of the competition.


First racing day has been successfully accomplished at the Gliding Grand Prix in Elchingen


Conrad Hartter, winner of the Norwegian Grand Prix!