USA Race3 // Fidler 3 - 0 ROTW


Erik Nelson altitude trace of race 3. Grey area on right part of the diagram is when he triggered his engine to fly back home. Except this “glitch” a sturdy and steady altitude with many “push-pull”.

A different image with race 2 trace of Erik… you can feel the very different ambiance in the cockpit.

Sometimes history repeats itself again and again. Checked from far away, it is the case, and so again, Sean Fidler won the race, this race 3 of USA Sailplane Grand Prix. But… yes first a “but”: weather was clearly different compared to the 2 first days. Some cumulus makes a big deal in the sky, and when you check the altitude recording of yesterday compares to 2 days ago, it is not higher, no! But definitely pilots enjoyed much more dolphin styled gliding phases, with clear informations from the cockpit about where to go, where to bounce, how to fly faster! Cumulus bring less uncertainties, or at least more comfort for the mind. I remember very good blue thermals day, but these are the kind of exception compared to the general rule, i.e. “cumulus day is better”. Some says it belongs to moisture which helps to build up energy in the air, others argue that contrast of shades made by cumulus themselves helps also to create a more steep thermal activity in our lower atmosphere. At least, blue thermals means less visual clues for the pilots, a more thin air to play with, so less engaging, … slower!

Back to yesterday! Oh, this was a great race! I saw my friend Bob Fletcher pushing hard, trying again and again to get rid of the leading group of 5 great pilots, among them were Sean Fidler, Jim Lee and Gintas Zube. The great Zube took the lead after Turnpoint 1 heading west, but the chasing group with Fidler took a slightly northern option on this 2nd leg, reaching eventually TP2 in front of Gintas but this was still very tight. At one point on leg 3, heading north, Fletcher pushed too hard and missed the step, letting the group with Zube and Fidler taking a strategical lead at this moment of the race, difficult to compensate as remaining distance becomes a tad too short. Fletcher had then to hope for a bit of chaos coming either from weather conditions, it eventually did not come, or a silly decision from one of the leader, it did not come either. It was then a fast & furious final glide with Jim Lee and Zube trying their best to beat Fidler.

Fidler 3 - 0 Rest Of The World…

Thanks all organisers for the design of this great race and all pilots for the fun to watch you live!

All official results there.

Next race in few hours there.


USA Race2, Fidler strikes again!